Shakeel Alibhai

Welcome to my website!

About Me

Hi, I'm Shakeel Alibhai! I currently attend Temple University, where I am majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Mathematics. In addition to studying, I work as a research assistant at university. I also sometimes work on open-source GitHub projects in my free time!


Project GoldStars X

Project GoldStars X is a full-screen Java program designed to function like a virtual operating system. It includes many features, such as an agenda, a calculator, a notes program, a photo viewer, and more! It can serve as a useful productivity tool, as well as a a project to help people trying to learn and/or experiment with Java.


Learn110 is a website I am creating using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's a simple website designed to help students master basic math skills.

Project GoldStars Calculator S

Yes, this is yet another Java calculator. But this isn't just any Java calculator -- it has a unique, customizable interface designed for simplicity and productivity, and it features a wide range of calculation options. If you're looking for a powerful yet easy-to-use calculator, be sure to check this out!

Project Hello7000

Project Hello7000 is a chatbot with several productivity features and a conversation-based interface.


Questions? Comments? Just want to get in touch? Feel free to send me an email or connect with me on LinkedIn -- I'd love to hear from you!



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